Not Another Back to School Hash

13886986_10102271419259664_4086996913075517340_nThis is not another back to school hash. In fact, by the looks of the weather forecast, chances are you may not even call it a hash. In fact, if the Olympic judges were around this hash Saturday, they’d probably give this group of delirious half minded hashers a gold medal in synchronized swimming. Alas, we’ll press on and persevere. In fact, we’ll probably pass Noah in a boat, mooning us with a couple of baboons. Don’t let all that dissuade you wanks from coming out. It’ll be one of the last times, not talking Revelations here, that we can enjoy ourselves without those meddling kids (read: undergrads). Solving mysteries on trail, however, is not allowed. In fact, actively dissuaded. One thing you can guarantee on, is that your hares Brings Up The Rear (just call him BUTRz) and Get A Classroom will provide you with an amazingly shitty trail… or at least a trail… well… maybe just beer… on second thought… at least this hash invite.

For folks who routinely read BUTRz ranty hash invites and have hashed before the cost is $7. For all you poor folks who have not (i.e., virgins), it’s free!

Hares: Brings Up The Rear & Get A Classroom
Start location: Park Ridge East Park (most likely the shelter)
Cost: $7 for hashers, Free for Virgins

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