New Website Coming Soon

The Blooming Fools are very much alive, hashing every other Saturday and on the evenings of the full moons. Email for hash starting locations.

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Interested in hashing?

Yes, the Blooming Fools hash is alive! We hash every other Saturday at 4pm (3pm in winter) and once a month at 7pm on the evening of the full moon (6pm in winter). We don’t allow people on our Facebook page until they’ve hashed with us at least once (for reasons), but if you’re interested in knowing the start location for the next hash, email me at!

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BFH3 #942 Saturday Hash at 3PM!

Hash this week will take place on Saturday, November 19, starting at 3pm from the north parking lot of Bryan Park (off Stull Ave). It’ll be the usual $7 for returners, free for newbies. There should be more information about this trail, but the hare has yet to elaborate, so be assured there’ll be a crappy trail and beer and hash camaraderie. Join us!

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BFH3 #941 Bloody Ballot Moon Hash

Where: Olcott Park
When: 7pm, Tuesday, Nov 8

You’ve rolled back the clock on Sunday. (Welcome to the first time-adjusted trail of the season!)

You’ve woken early on Tuesday to witness the Blood Moon pass in front of Uranus. (According to SkyGuide, totality is 5:16 AM to 6:41 AM in Bloomington. The next Blood Moon is May 14, 2025. The next lunar/Uranus “occultation” is in 2235. So, enjoy this while you can!)

You’ve voted and didn’t instigate or participate in an insurrection. (Polls are open 6 AM to 6 PM.)

You’ve stretched. (To make room for beer and snacks.)

Now, join your hares UPP and Moneyshot (Team Panther-Shot) on this meager misadventure. This trail will re-break your internal clock, sacrifice blood to the celestials, and exercise your democratic rights as hash citizens.

Bring your light, whistle, and aspirations.

Olcott Park
2300 E. Canada Drive
Bloomington, IN 47401

Cost: $7 for returners, free to first-timers

Accepted forms of payment:
– Venmo: @BloomingFools (preferred)
– Filthy cash 

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BFH3 #940 The Light Yourselves on Fire Hash

When: Saturday, November 5, 2022, starting at 4:00pm

Where: The Convention Center parking lot (more like the lot at the corner of Madison and 3rd).

This hash is on FIRE!!! Well… Guy Fawkes’ effigy is on fire… because it’s Guy Fawkes Night!

In honor of this irreverent wank of a British subject and PROTESTER, we plan to be even more lit than usual (if possible) by donning as much red and flames (and flame-retardant) covering as possible! You get a very hashy bonus if you are sporting red hair as part of your flaming, wanktastic get-up because it’s also NATIONAL LOVE YOUR RED HAIR DAY! Basically it saves the hares the time of having to light you on fire so it’s a win-win. Additional bonus points if you wear a Guy Fawkes/V for Vendetta/Anonymous mask.

But seriously, pick your protest and wear some flames to burn all the things that aren’t right with this shitty world!!!

Let the debauchery and good times roll!

Cost: $7 for regulars, free to first-time hashers!

Accepted forms of payment:
– Venmo: @BloomingFools (preferred)
– Filthy cash 

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BFH3 #939 Peak Leaf Hash

Want to see the leaves when they’re at their most colorful? Want to see A LOT of leaves when they’re at their most colorful? Join the Fools for a romp around mid-central Monroe County this Saturday, October 22, at 4:00pm, hared by Nasdiq and White Lightning. There’ll be shiggy, and beer, and leaves, and more beer, and more leaves, and…you get the picture. Still only $7. Good beer. Leaves.

Start place: Lake Griffy Boathouse, on Headley Road
Cost: $7 for repeaters, free for first-timers

Accepted forms of payment:
– Venmo: @BloomingFools (preferred)
– Filthy cash

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BFH3 #936 2nd Annual Boulder Holder Hash

WHAT: Hash
WHERE: 3076 Dollsberry Ln, Nashville, IN 47448-8228
HARES: Sidewalk Cock and Fraubarrow
WHAT TO BRING: Life insurance ——> spray for all things that creep, fly, bite, and sting. Chairs for on-after. Boulders in holders.
WHY: Beer
Cost: $7, virgins are free
Accepted forms of payment:
– Venmo: @BloomingFools (preferred)
– Filthy cash

Cum one, cum all, to the 2nd annual boulder holder hash! Ticks and tits will be present. Wear your best boulder holder (up top or down below)! You will want tick repellent and bug spray indeed. But wait! There’s more! $7 gets you beer and food for the on-after at Papa Sidewalk’s. It may get a little toasty by the fire. Be sure to bring your lawn chairs if you don’t want chiggers in those crevices!

PSA: As much as we love to have fun, please make sure to have a safe ride home as there will be no adult sleepovers at this hash. Thanks in advance! 

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BFH3 #935 Talk Like A Pirate Hash

DATE: Saturday, Sept 10, 2022
TIME: 4:00pm

WHAT: Aaaaaaarrrrrg(uably) the most swashbuckling trail of the year! Gather all ye cut-throats, drunkards, and scallywags as we venture into the Briney Deep of Bloomington for an adventure that’ll have you begging for rum, booty, and beer! DFLs may be keelhauled as the FRBs risk walking the plank! Arrr! We be at the mercy of Neptune and the hares! On-Ahoy!
WHERE: Southeast Park (1600 S. Sycamore Court, Bloomington, IN)
HARES: ManBuns and RIP
WHAT TO BRING: Pirate Jargon, Pirate paraphernalia, shiggy socks
WHY: It be the chance to prove y’erselve a true seadog with the finest, most drunkenlyist crew to ever sail these fine sidewalks!
Cost: $7, virgins are free
Accepted forms of payment:
– Venmo: @BloomingFools (preferred)
– Filthy cash

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BFH3 #934 Talk Like A Pirate Pre-Lube Fool Moon Hash

DATE: Friday, Sept 9 2022
TIME: 7:00pm

WHAT: A debaucherous TREASURE MAP trail full of booty!
WHERE: Olcott Park, 2300 E. Canada Drive, Bloomington
WHAT TO BRING: pirate-y outfit you can r*n in, your beautiful self
WHY: …is the rum always gone? 🏴‍☠️🧉🫗

Cost: $7, virgins are free
Accepted forms of payment:
– Venmo: @BloomingFools (preferred)
– Filthy cash

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BFH3 #933 Ho Swarming Hashy Birfday Hash

DATE: Saturday, August 27, 2022 4pm

It’s RIP’s hashy birthday!!! and!! She moved! come sample the delights and pleasures of Ellettsville with a decadently shitty trail with many surprises and VIP access to Ellettsville’s many sublime geographical interests. PLUS! An on-after/birthday shindig at RIP’s new place.

WHAT: A rare and exotic hash through virgin(ish) territory!
WHERE: Ellettsville – Start location is TBD
HARES: Rest in Penis & Cream n’ Jerk
WHAT TO BRING: Shiggy socks, optimism, and a change of clothes for on-after (optional).
WHY: RIP’s dog would really like to meet you.

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