Freshwater Fourth of July Hash

fish beer

What’s a Fourth of July to the Blooming Fools but another chance to get out into the glorious wide open American landscape and celebrate what this country’s really all about? No, we’re not talking impassable shiggy and deer ticks… But freedom! FREEdom! FREEEEE DOMMMM! And beer. (Impassable shiggy and deer ticks are just a bonus.)

C’mon down to the seventh annual (in dog years) Blooming Fools Freshwater Fourth Hash, starting at Cutright State Recreation Area on Monroe Lake (or Lake Monroe to everyone but the Indiana DNR). Your hares will be Mothershucker and White Lightning, and we guarantee that there’ll be beer, beer, alternative beverages, snacky foods, shiggy trail, significant bodies of water, and probably some beer, too. The cost is the usual $6 for returners (cheep!) and nothing for first-timers.

There will also be an All-American cookout following the hash, featuring Rice’s Chili Cheese Dogs and other meat and non-meat options; it’s a mere $7 (cheep! and that includes beer).

Trail’s going to start at 4:00 pm starting from Cutright State Recreation Area, which is just across the causeway. Take 446 south from Third Street and cross the big bridge across Lake Monroe (that’s the causeway). Turn left immediately after you cross the lake into Cutright State Recreation Area. Go straight on that road for a while until you see hashers gathering in anticipation of trail. Or beer. Or both. On on.

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