Menu: Red Dress On-After Barbeque

MisManagement has a classic summer barbeque all set to slake the mighty appetite you work up on the Big Red Dress R*n!

We’re gonna have…

Pulled Pork

Slow-smoked just for you all day long by First Gentlewank of BFH3, EweTube!

All Beef Burgers & Dogs, Veggie Burgers

Grilled up fresh by MM 2016’s honorary GrillMeister (and tireless BeerMeister!) Spreadsheets to the Wind, while y’all are circling up!

Veggie Chili

Beloved BFH3 Haberdasher Screw it, I’m Wet of BFH3 Chili Cook-Off fame is making us a pot of her award-winning vegetarian chili, and it just happens to be vegan, gluten-free, and sugar free! You’ll never miss the meat and our vegan friends will get to eat!

Potato Salad

Brings Up the Rear (BUTRz) has finagled access to his grandma’s potato salad recipe JUST FOR US! It will be both awesome and  available sans meat!

Baked Macaroni & Cheese

By special request, GoesInTite is making us a few pans of her deliciously cheesy from-scratch baked mac n’ cheese. Start salivating now!

Baked Beans

Our own co-JM Kinsey is making us a big old batch of baked beans! Vegetarians keep your eyes peeled for the meat-free version, otherwise prepare your tastebuds for lots of yummy pork flavor and BYOB (bring your own beano!)

Assorted Chips, Veggies, Dips



We’re thinking BIG RED VELVET CUPCAKES! That’s right, deliciously chocolate red cake topped with cream cheese icing for everyone! Except those who can’t have sugar or red food coloring, and those wanks will get sugar-free chocolate cream pie and/or cookies… plus…


Rego NOW!