Gratuitous Beaver Fool Moon

When : Saturday, November 16, 2013 6PM

Where :

In Native American lore, the Beaver Moon marks that time of year when hashers start dreaming (more than usual) of warm, cozy beavers to help get them through the frosty winter….or something like that. In celebration, we will chase the beaver moon hither and yon over hill and dale, sidewalk and parking lot whilst inebriated and spouting obscenely terrible beaver-themed puns and log-based innuendo.

Along with gratuitous beaver*, there will be beer aplenty, and treats galore.

Don’t forget cranium illumination and warm clothes for circle!

Trail starts Saturday at 6pm from the east side movie theater near the college mall. Drive to the right side of the building, park, hash.

Returning wanks pay $6, virgin beavers are free.

Brought to you by your eager beaver hares, Gibbon and Dowelrod.

*BYO Beaver

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