Grumpy and Circus’ Evil and Twisted Hash

When: Saturday 21 July @4PM

Where: Charles C. Deem Wilderness – Starts at the Fire Tower

Hares: Grumpy and Circus

Shiggy: Duh

Hills: It’s a Circus hash.

Deception: It’s a Grumpy Hash

Flour? It’s a Circus hash.

Flour? It’s a Grumpy hash.

How Much: $6 for those who wank regularly; Virgins wank freely.

N.B. – It takes hella longer to get to the Fire Tower than you think. Seriously. It’s 18 miles from Breuster’s (3rd St. and 446), the last 6 miles on a cranky gravel road with horses and helium-footed drivers for your aggravating pleasure. Give yourself 45 minutes to get there. SERIOUSLY. F-O-R-T-Y-F-I-V-E M-I-N-U-T-E-S!!! Also, parking there is scarce, so carpooling will be essential. Recommend meeting at the gravel lot on the south side of the causeway (yes, really the causeway this time, Jizz) at the Cutright SRA just off of 446.

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