Who Forgot To Water The Shiggy? Hash

Mothershucker? Did you forget to water the shiggy???
When: Saturday 4 August @4PM

Where: Paynetown State Recreation Area
From IN46 Head-you-read-Heading east out of town, turn South onto IN 446, and proceed 6.3 miles (10.1 kilometers) to Paynetown Road, the SRA HQ (aren’t acronyms sexy?), and better, the SRA HQ parking lot. Find hashers. Park. Hash.

Hares: Mothershucker and NasDiq

Shiggy: None. ‘Shucker forgot to water it. I swear.

Hills: None. Dried up. GOne. COULD BE WET, THOUGH. Dress accordingly.

Deception: What?!? Why on Earth…!?!? Who said…!?!?? Nooooo. No deception.

Flour? ALDI’s, baby. $2.59 fer yer 5 pound baggie.

Flour? Did you not read the first time?

How Much: $6 for those who wank regularly; Virgins wank freely.

Why: There will be thirst.

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