The Blow your Pants Birthday Hash

WHEN: Saturday, September 1 at 4pm
WHERE: Blow Blow’s house 1294 S Barnes Dr. Bloomington. Gentry East

What’s this you say? That’s right it’s a Hash and a Birthday party for two of your favorite Hashers Blow Blow Blow your Goat and Depantsipation Procolomation all in one. Join us on Saturday September 1st for a trail sure to be so shitty that you just can’t contain yourself and Blow in your pants early with excitement. Your Hares for this event will be Blow Blow, Inspect Her Gadget, and Rocky Mount Her High. After that stick around for a rocking good time at your hares fine abode. Will there be beer? Well of course there will be beer it wouldn’t be a Hash without it. There will be such excitement at the sight of this shitty trail that most Hashers will be unable to contain themselves.

To commemorate this festive event if you survive the Hash that is, all are welcome to partake in an On After at Blow Blow’s house. MotherShucker has graciously agreed to make his world famous Pork BBQ. There will be many other dishes as well and feel free to bring anything you’d like to share with your fellow Hashers in this epic moment in time. Of course beer will be provided it’s a hash you Dumb Shit!

So what does this fine affair cost you ask? A bargain at any price but for all wankers who have Cum already it is a meager $6 dollars. Any virgins are free. If you stick around for the on after and I highly recommend that you do, the cost to all wankers, including Virgins, for such a swanky affair is an even better bargain at a mere $7 dollars. That’s right all this for the low low price of $13 where else will you find such a deal. So Cum and sing a few shitty songs to your Birthday Boy and Girl and we will repay you with Shiggy ,Beer, Tick’s, Beer, Rain from a Hurricane, Beer, Food, Beer, Music, and Beer. On On!

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