3some Hash

NOVEMBER TWENTY-EIGHT, TWO-THOUSAND AND TWELVE. “On this day in history, in 741, St. Gregory III ends his reign as Catholic Pope.” Well, that’s dull! “In 1821 Panama declares independence from Spain.” Slightly less boring, but still…what is so good about November 28, 2012?

Skipping ahead to November 28, 2012… “There is a full moon and there will be a penumbral lunar eclipse.” Ooooh, how exciting! “…Unfortunately, only people in Alaska, Hawaii, New Zealand, Australia, and Asia can see the eclipse.” Well, that is devastating news!

Oh, here’s something: “On November 28, Justin Bieber will be playing a concert at Madison Square Garden.” Who fuckin’ gives a shit! We live in Bloomington, Indiana… plus who likes The Biebs anyway?

WAIT! What’s this? “Bloomingfools will be having Fool Moon hash on November 28!!!” YAY! That is excellent, late-breaking news.

You know what else is super-de-duper cool about November 28?? It is the 333rd day of 2012 and there are 33 more days until 2013!! That makes is a good day for a 3some. And, if you are not into that, there’s still a fool moon hash.

START TIME: 6:30 p.m.

LOCATION: Olcott Park

HARE: Dowelrod

SUGGESTED ATTIRE: A SKIRT….please?! Boys and girls. It’s the eve of my birthday, and I would like everybody to wear a fancy skirt. Plus, it’ll make the 3some’s more likely to happen. If you are into that kind of thing.

COST: $6 if you are wearing a skirt, $7 if you are not. The $1 dollar will go to making Jingle Balls more awesome. I probably can’t enforce that rule and didn’t get permission from the Joint Masters to suggest it, but if everyone wears a skirt, that will be awesome. And, for those who don’t have $7 it is $6. Oh, and Virgins are free!! But, if you bring a virgin, make them wear a skirt. So they feel more at home.

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