Int’l Hangover Day Hash

Ah, the hangover…

From Wikipedia: A hangover is the experience of various unpleasant physiological effects following heavy consumption of alcoholic beverages. Hypoglycemia, dehydration, acetaldehyde intoxication, and glutamine rebound are all theorized causes of hangover symptoms. Some aspects of a hangover are viewed as symptoms of acute ethanol withdrawal.

From hashy wisdom: To get over a hangover, drink beer and run in the woods.

Your hares, Untouched Private Panther and Hand’ersome Pooper, invite you to recover from your New Year’s festivities with the Blooming Fools. There will be trail, there will be beer, and there will be shiggy.

Meet us at 2pm at RCA Park in beautiful Bloomington Indiana on Tuesday 1/1/13. As per usual, experienced wankers pay $6 for their meds, virgins get rehabilitated for free.


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