Taste of Beer Hash


It’s that time of year again, the time to celebrate Taste-y things. And what could be more tasty than beer! In that spirit, your hares EweTube and The Love Butt cordially invite you to the Taste Of Beer hash, where you will “enjoy” the opportunity to explore Bloomington via urban, shiggy, shitty trail, imbibe that glorious aforementioned liquid of goodness, and sample only the finest heavily processed orange foods available.

Where: Winslow Woods Park. 2120 S. Highland Ave (Right next to YMCA)
When: Saturday, June 22, 4:00 pm

From College Mall: Take College Mall Road south to Rogers Road and turn right (west). At Highland Avenue, turn right (north). Winslow Woods Park is just past Winslow Sports Complex on the left (west).

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