Category Archives: Uncategorized

On-Hands-and-Knees-On Wedding Hash

You are cordially invited to celebrate the happy union of Down on Your Knees and Jizz Hands on Saturday, the fifth of July, two thousand and fourteen at four o’clock in the afternoon. The trail starts from the parking lot … Continue reading

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Summer Solstice Cutoff Hash

BRING EXTRA DRY CLOTHES AND SHOES. Summer Solstice Cut-off Shorts Hash Hares – Titwad and Just Jo Where? Start at Otis Park, Bedford, IN When? 4-7 pm, Saturday, June 21, 2014 How much? $6/person, virgins cum free Why? Because we … Continue reading

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The Shiggy of Dreams Hash

“Ray. People will come, Ray. They’ll come to Morgan Monroe for reasons they can’t even fathom. They’ll turn up Forest Road not knowing for sure why they’re doing it. They’ll arrive at the start as innocent as children, longing for … Continue reading

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Mismanagement Erections

We need nominations for next year’s Mismanagement! Erections will be at next week’s hash, and we’re closing nominations on Wednesday. Nominate yourself or someone you know to a hash office today! Remember, the positions of Mismanagement are: Two Joint Masters … Continue reading

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The Wilder, Wilder Life Hash

If Circus has learned nothing else in the two years since he and Biblio braved Thor’s wrath to shepherd a small but half-minded band of wanks into the wilderness by T. C. Steele, he’s at least gleaned that once in … Continue reading

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More Red Dress stuff…

Hey hashers! Another thing we forgot to mention… It’s a worldwide tradition for Red Dress hashes to raise money for a worthwhile charitable organization. Last year we collected money for victims of the Boston Marathon bombing. This year we’re raising … Continue reading

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Red Dress Addenda

Hey hashers! If you’re coming to Red Dress, remember a couple of things (only a couple, don’t worry): 1. The start is way at the back of the IU Cyclotron parking lot. Keep going straight down the road from the … Continue reading

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Rite of Spring Hash

In ancient times, men and women celebrated the vernal equinox—the return of spring—by drinking and carousing themselves into an altered consciousness in honor of Dionysius, the god of fertility and wine. We’re going to do the same (well, the fertility … Continue reading

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Red Dress Run 2014 now posted!

See Red Dress Run 2014 for more details!

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Winter Nips Hash

Yes, it’s cold as a clam peeing on an iceberg out there now, but this Saturday it’s going to be just nipply enough for the Winter Nips hash, taking place this Saturday, January 4 (duh), starting at 3 p.m. from … Continue reading

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